Favorite Quote

Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. -Dr.Seuss.

This quote by, Dr. Seuss inspires me because it gives me the feeling to not being upset about your mistakes and bad experiences, but to be happy for them because you have hopefully learned from the experience or mistake.

I like this quote also because it make me think about the past and be thankful for the thing that have come from good experiences and how important they are to learn from. Being thankful for what has happened in the past and learning about how it can change your future is another way this quote inspires me to be thankful.

4 thoughts on “Favorite Quote

  1. I also love this quote. When I leave camp each year all my friend cry over the fact that we are leaving. I never do. I am just so overwhelmed with happiness that camp actually happened! This quote is great.

  2. I really enjoy this quote too. Whenever my cousins and I get together we always are so sad to leave, but really we should be happy we had time together. You did a great job on this post.

  3. This is a great post because you have a great way of explaining things very vividly and many readers enjoy that. You used a good amount of details that expressed how you felt about this quote and how it spoke to you. I like that quote too and I’m glad we have the same opinion. What do you plan on writing about next?

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