Seventh Grade Reflection

When I first arrived in August, I expected the first day of school would be lecture upon lecture going over the rules, what we would be learning about over the year, and consequences for the rules that we broke.

It turned out that I was correct. The first day of seventh grade was lecture after long talk going over, common sense rules and introductions to the year.

By October I had all of my classes going pretty steady, but my control over the boat load of overflowing homework was still out of my control. Countless nights I would stay up until midnight pouring over pages in my science text book writing down everything I could find about cell division and amino acids.

Eventually I figured out that the homework load was only going to get greater so I just had to learn to accept the fact.

Seventh grade also brought good things, for example the growing and making of new friends. Some of the new friends i have made this year have turned into some of my best friends and I don’t know what I would do without them! Also being in Track and Field was a lot of fun! Even though the training for the meets were not at fun the satisfaction I felt when I won second place running the half mile payed off for all the hard work.

So in conclusion I would say that seventh grade was a pretty good year and have learned lessons and skills that I hope to carry on in 8th grade.

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